Colloque Adebiotech – Tissue Engineering for Industry

Chargement Évènements


3D reconstructed Tissues and their industrial applications (TEFI)


  • Give a state-of-the-art vision of the key applications of 3D reconstructed tissues for industrial applications in Cosmetics, Healthcare, Nutrition, Phamacotoxicology, Chemistry, Oncology, Organ on chip …
  • Offer a unique transdisciplinary discussion space to discuss the future directions of Tissue Engineering
  • Network with pairs and companies providing innovative solutions in the field in a friendly atmosphere
  • Exhibition space allows suppliers to display ther most recent innovations
  • Posters and Round table discussions to extend conference presentations


  • International audience expected (meeting in english)
  • Professionals from industry and academic researchers concerned by the 3R (Reduce, Replace, Refine) rules about animal experimentation in different areas of industrial relevance
  • Cosmetic industries, chemistry, nutrition, healthcare, pharmacotoxicologists, regenerative medicine, oncology…
  • Others: everyone with minimal scientific background interested by the future of tissue engineering  (students, scientific journalists…)


  • Keynote: Pr Saadia Kerdine-Römer, University Paris Saclay
  • Skin and epithelia models
  • Topical genotoxicity
  • Tissue engineering and medical devices
  • Lungs,respiratory epithelia and airways models
  • Gastro-intestinal tract, Intestinal tissue
  • Micro-physiological models
  • Organ on chip approaches
  • Models to support precision oncology
  • 3D bioprinting of human tumors and personalized medicine
  • Round table discussion with speakers and audience




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