Colloque Alternatives To Animal Experimentation

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Alternatives To Animal Experimentation

June 6-7th 2023, Biocitech (Romainville-Paris)

Alternative technologies and models to Replace/Reduce/Refine the usage of laboratory animals in Biopharmacy, Food/Health, Chemistry and Cosmetics industries.

A two-day industry-oriented international transdisciplinary scientific conference to discuss the changing needs of the industry and innovations contributing to the reduction of the usage of laboratory animals.

Among the topics discussed

• Animal use in laboratories and ethics
• New Approach Methods (NAMs)
• Models in human and animal nutrition
• Medical devices
• Support to Pre-clinical trials
• Pharmacology/Toxicology/ADME
• Organ on chip, organoïds
• Spheroïds
• Predictive toxicology and in silico models
• Biosimulation softwares
• Novel 3D bioprinted skin chips
• Epi-intestinal models
• Airways models
• Regulatory frameworks and their evolution

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