International Summit on Catalyst and Chemistry 2024

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Welcome to the forefront of innovation and excellence in chemistry the “International Summit on Catalyst and Chemistry” Save the dates, June 19-20, 2024.

This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate In person at Tokyo, Japan, or Virtually from your home or workplace. Organized by the Scitech series, the summit revolves around the theme “Adapting Chemistry with Innovations to Achieve Future Objectives.”

This summit invites visionaries and pioneers in the world of chemistry and catalysis to unite. Our shared journey focuses on harnessing the potential of chemistry to adapt and innovate, ultimately contributing to the achievement of future objectives. By participating, you’ll immerse yourself in cutting-edge research, visionary discussions, and interactive sessions led by some of the brightest minds in the field.
Join us at the ISCC 2024 to be a part of this transformative movement. Your insights and participation are instrumental in shaping the chemistry landscape for generations to come.

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