Évènements le 26 février 2025 › Evénement filière

Toute la journée

ASCO Annual Meeting 2023

Chicago Chicago

Program Page Description The 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting Program will offer presentations on the latest research in cancer care. This year's program will feature over 200 sessions complementing Dr. Eric Winer’s Presidential theme: Partnering with Patients: The Cornerstone of Cancer Care and Research. Body Browse the 2023 preliminary Annual Meeting program VIEW PROGRAM Alternatively, you may browse [...]

BIO International Convention

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center 415 Summer St, Boston

June 5-8, 2023 Stand up for innovation. Stand up for truth. And stand up for science. It’s time to inspire, honor, and recognize the true value of the breakthrough work biotech performs for society. Today. And every day. Well into the future. BIO One-on-One Partnering ™ The BIO International Convention attracts 14,000+ biotechnology and pharma [...]


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