Évènements le 1 mars 2025 › Evénement partenaire

Toute la journée

BIO International Convention

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center 415 Summer St, Boston

June 5-8, 2023 Stand up for innovation. Stand up for truth. And stand up for science. It’s time to inspire, honor, and recognize the true value of the breakthrough work biotech performs for society. Today. And every day. Well into the future. BIO One-on-One Partnering ™ The BIO International Convention attracts 14,000+ biotechnology and pharma [...]

Colloque Alternatives To Animal Experimentation

Biocitech Romainville 102 Avenue Gaston Roussel, Romainville

Alternatives To Animal Experimentation June 6-7th 2023, Biocitech (Romainville-Paris) Alternative technologies and models to Replace/Reduce/Refine the usage of laboratory animals in Biopharmacy, Food/Health, Chemistry and Cosmetics industries. A two-day industry-oriented international transdisciplinary scientific conference to discuss the changing needs of the industry and innovations contributing to the reduction of the usage of laboratory animals. Among [...]

Journées POLEPHARMA du Biotesting – 4ème édition


tratégies analytiques avancées pour accélérer le développement des biothérapies La 4ème édition des Journées POLEPHARMA du Biotesting se tiendra les 7 & 8 juin 2023 à Évreux Rendez-vous annuel incontournable et véritable « Think Tank » du Biotesting, la 4ème édition des Journées POLEPHARMA du Biotesting aura lieu les 7 & 8 juin 2023 sous la [...]


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